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Easy to Create New VoIP User Accounts?


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Easy to Create New VoIP User Accounts?

How can automation help your VoIP business to grow? Ask Telinta.For VoIP service providers, having the Switching and Billing tools you need to easily create new accounts is important.

This becomes more vital as your business grows over time, and new customers begin to seek you out.  As your VoIP business becomes well-established in the markets you serve, your customers may start referring their friends and colleagues to you.

But how can you easily create new accounts in your Switching and Billing system?

Delays and errors in creating new accounts can impact your profits, since it may affect when new customers can begin using your service.  Fast, easy, error-free account creation can speed your growth, especially if you have the automation and cloud-based tools you need.

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Telinta put the tools you need at your fingertips to run your VoIP business.  The Administrative Portal for our TeliCoreTM softswitch platform provides you with web-based tools to make the configurations you need, including easy account creation.

You can easily define a “Customer Class” where multiple users are treated in the same way (for example, billing periods, and other terms).  You can create multiple Customer Classes, for example one for larger customers and another for smaller customers.  Once you define your Customer Class, you can easily apply it to multiple accounts to automate the process of creating new accounts, without needing to manually re-enter each parameter for each account.

Another tool Telinta provides is “Quick Forms” to help you and your team members create a customer account.  Quick Forms are an easy way to automate account creation and prevent errors.

You can pre-define important details (for example Customer Class, currency, or product used for an account), so that later the person entering data only has to input a few remaining details such as customer name, address, etc. to create a new customer and an account (or multiple accounts).

With Telinta, your users can sign-up online and create their own accounts for many popular VoIP services such as Mobile VoIP and our award-winning Virtual Office Hosted PBX.  Going forward, users can update their account info easily via a brandable multi-language self-care portal.

Need to migrate your existing accounts from another platform into TeliCore?  No problem.

Telinta can guide you through the process of easily creating a .csv spreadsheet to migrate accounts onto our platform.  Our team of engineers provides technical support 24×7, every day of the year.

Want to learn more?  Contact us today.

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