Trusted Worldwide


For your VoIP Business

Everything you need to run your own VoIP Business: DIDs, Termination Carriers and other providers.

Telinta’s partners help your business grow.

Telinta has an impressive list of trust-worthy partners who can help you build a successful VoIP business.  In many cases, you can access partner services directly from our platform via API.  While we are happy to introduce you to our partners, you are free to use any provider you need. 

With Telinta, you can bring any provider you need for Termination, Origination, IP phone sets and more.  Many partners offer special discounts or benefits for Telinta customers.  Please let them know that you are a Telinta customer and ask about special deals.  At Telinta, “membership has its privileges.”

Interested in becoming a Telinta partner?   Click here

DID Partners
Direct Inward Dialing (DID) service is an important aspect of your telecom business, and an important decision to make in terms of both quality and profitability…
VoIP Termination Partners
Finding the right VoIP Termination provider is very important for your business. Telinta has partnered with several leading VoIP Termination providers who…
IP Phone Partners
VoIP service providers offering hosted PBX, call centers or other enterprise telephony services will need to offer high-quality IP Phones…
Mobile Top-Up Partners
The ability for your customers to securely add funds to cellular accounts is an important benefit that many VoIP service providers can provide…
SMS Partners
The ability for your customers to use SMS technology enables you to expand a portfolio of services your company offers…
Technology Partners
Telinta understands that a successful VoIP business relies on a wide variety of cutting-edge technologies all working together…
Other Partners
Telinta has partnered with a variety of companies who bring you the competitive advantages to…
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