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Automatic Payments for your VoIP Business


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Automatic Payments
for your VoIP Business

How can ITSPs accept recurring payments from their VoIP users? Ask Telinta.Billing is an important part of your VoIP business.  Providing convenient payment options, such as auto-pay, not only improves customer satisfaction, but it can also help with your cash flow.

When customers sign up for your VoIP services, they may look for convenient credit card billing, and automatic payments.  Payment options may even be one of the deciding factors when your users choose a VoIP provider.

Automatic recurring payments ensure uninterrupted service.  If your customer is temporarily cut off for non-payment, it impacts both their business and yours.

To accept recurring payments automatically, you need to have a sophisticated billing provider that can meet your needs.

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Telinta offers a robust hosted solution that enables ITSPs to easily process automatic recurring payments.  Your users can set up a pre-defined credit card to automatically pay monthly charges via a brandable self-care portal.

Our switching and billing are fully integrated, so our TeliCoreTM platform can automatically calculate your customer invoices based on your own configurations for recurring and non-recurring charges, subscription fees, usage fees, equipment rental, and any other fees you need.  You can even calculate and add taxes to your invoices via TeliCore’s APIs to leading tax solution providers.

For popular postpaid services such as Hosted PBX and SIP Trunks, TeliCore automatically emails your invoices to your users as PDFs.  You can configure TeliCore to automatically charge your user’s credit card.  Use your own payment gateway provider to process your credit/debit card payments.

Once users have their account on auto-pay and running smoothly from month to month, they may be less likely to leave you.

In addition to postpaid services, you can also offer prepaid VoIP services where users can have their prepaid balance automatically replenished via their pre-defined credit card.  When the user’s balance drops below your specified threshold, TeliCore will automatically charge the user’s card via your payment gateway to add funds.

Telinta’s brandable self-care portals show your brand and logo.  In addition to enabling users to store payment info, these portals can also be used by your customers to perform self-service functions such as configuring PBX extensions, forwarding calls, and more.

How can automatic payments help your VoIP business?  Contact us today.

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